Hello friend, for hundreds of thousands of years humans have lived here. They have, each one, struggled to exist, to survive, to have a good life, to live. And in this time throughout history, people have encountered various obstacles, difficulties, struggles of life. These struggles are a natural part of human existence, a natural part of living in this world. There is no time in human history when there has not been some sort of difficulty, large or small, personal, or collective. Difficulties always arise. But in addition to difficulties, there are always periods of personal joy, personal fulfillment, personal expansion. Times when life seems incredibly good. Times when we feel very connected to friends, family, loved ones. Times when we feel there is abundance in our lives. These are also natural human experiences.


Our life challenges are what shape and shift our seeing to align us better with that which we came here to achieve and become.

They are part of our on-the-ground training.


By studying carefully the lessons offered to us through the life challenges we have already faced and overcome, we can often find the ways they have strengthened us and even set us up in preparation for the things we achieve. Life challenges refine us through the questions they require answers to, and through the storms, they bring us face to face with life. Hardship and challenges often serve us towards becoming our best and most mature selves. They tempt us towards grace, gratitude, and acceptance. Or challenges can drive us to collapse into misery, all depending upon how we meet them. And that is our choice. We can choose to either meet challenges and hardship with resilience and thus overcome, or we can choose to meet them with resistance and collapse.


And throughout history, people have had both the difficult experiences and the joyous experiences – times of struggle and conflict, times of peace and integration. Some people may ask why are there are periods of struggle and conflict? Why do obstacles and difficulties arise? But without them, how could we grow without both the personal and collective, obstacles, struggles, and conflict? For each human being loves their life, wants to survive, wants to do the maximum to fulfill their destiny, and to find true happiness. But in that search and effort to find happiness, many times the happiness of others can be stepped upon. The happiness of one can be at the expense of the happiness of others. And, for the happiness of one, another may suffer – living beings of all species may suffer.


In today’s world, many animals are highly exploited. There has been a degree of human exploitation of the planet that there are many species completely disappearing from this world. The world is out of balance and to bring that balance back there are forces in nature that adjust, which naturally bring harmony back to the natural world, back to all the living beings. And so, with what is happening this year, this is a time of adjustment. It is one adjustment. Until we as a collective awakening to the harmony we have with nature and all other living beings, rather than trying to put ourselves above other beings and exploit others, when we begin to live in harmony and mutual love and respect with everything, the correction does not need to occur.


So, in collective life as well as personal life, there are lessons to be learned from the trials and tribulations and difficulties that arise. Those are nature’s way of teaching us, of showing us when we have gone too far and allowing us to make adjustments, corrections. When people try always to find their happiness outside of themselves, then they may be highly successful for a time and then hit a period where that success fails them. And people may think why is this happening to this person? But, if we saw the entire scope of that person’s life and many lives before, we might see that that person has come to a point in their own evolution where what they have been doing, the way they have been approaching their life, is not working anymore. Is not for their higher good, not promoting their true spirit to awaken and arise, not promoting their path home to their source.


Life challenges are built into life; this is how we know they are an essential part of life. No one gets off easy.

Everyone has their own load of life-expanding challenges that must be lived through, whether we grow from them or not.

How we deal with these life challenges is our personal choice.


And so, certain circumstances might arise to make a correction in our path. When that happens then there is an opportunity in life to adjust, to make changes that are highly important for our personal evolution. And the same is true in collective life. It provides an opportunity. So never be daunted by the difficulties that life presents individually or collectively. But take them in steps, to learn, an opportunity to change, to grow, to expand, to go inward, and to know your innermost self, to become connected to the entirety of your human experience. Such are the ways that nature adjusts and we are part of that, and the laws of the universe are sustained. This is the path of the cosmic law underlying personal and social order. Let us not fight the current, or to go against it, let’s move with the flow, no resistance needed, every correction or life lesson is bringing us closer to our truth, bringing us back home.


Much Love,
